Eyes Vs. Display Of Your Device

The light emitting from your device is taking away the light of your eyes, not just because it is really harmful, but because you are not taking enough preventive measures.

Protect your eyes from your device in 7 simple steps.

Your eyes are a precious gift that enables you to experience the beauty of this planet and helps you enhance the way you conduct your life. Can you imagine your life without your eyes? I surely cannot, which is why I take all preventive measures to secure my eyes from the harms of Mobile phone, tablet, laptop and television. You can also do that if you follow these 7 simple steps. But let us first understand when and how does our device starts to cause harm to our eyes.

Understanding the Damage of Eyes by the Device

When we gaze at a tree or a butterfly, our eyes do not experience any kind of damage. But, when we stare at the screens of our electronic device, we feel strain in our eyes. The reason behind that is simple – our mobile phones, laptops etc.. are light emitting devices whereas the other ones are light reflecting devices. Go on and stare at the sun for a moment, you’ll understand what I’m saying.

Since human genesis about 2 million years ago, our eyes were habitual to see only light reflecting objects, but never not light emitting devices. But since last 2 decades, we are now staring a lot on the light emitting devices. Since our the Retina of our eyes are not habitual to such exposure, it damages our eyes. But of course, we cannot stop using our devices in today’s world, so what to do?

Preventive measures for Eye’s safety from screen

  • Blinking

Studies have found out that most of the people, almost 99%don’t blink their eyes while using their electronic devices. The constant staring at the screen lead to drying up of eyes. When we blink our eyes, we re-hydrate them, which is in-fact healing. I use the term “Healing” because several lights harm our eyes severely, and if we don’t blink our eyes, the eyes will eventually dry up and end up obsolete. After all, we all know that the light emits from where there is heat, so it carries some heat along with it as well. This minute heat we might not notice, but our eyes do, because they are sensitive.

  • Rotation

Has it ever happened with you that you spend a day looking straight, without moving your eyes an inch? Probably not. Well that’s what happens when you’re on your device. I don’t say there’s no movement of eyes at all, but it is really very less. Don’t believe me? Just try to look from the farthest corner of your eyes towards an object. If you feel terrible strain, that’s your answer. If you don’t, well you’re amazing and why are you here reading this article?

  • Refreshing Eye Drops

I don’t want to suggest it, for you may get your eyes addicted to its use, but for now, these are the best solution. You can get these from any chemist probably without a prescription. You can use these to re-hydrate your eyes, if the amount of de-hydration is not being sufficiently covered by Blinking itself. I use them when I read on my phone or laptops or usually before I sleep. They have two fold benefits. Firstly, they help your eyes re-hydrate, and secondly, they remove the tiny dust particles you get in your eyes after the day’s work.

  • Blue Ray Filter Glasses

Well these are simply amazing. If you’re a hard gamer, or you do a lot of electronic device usage, you need to get these. Blue Light emitted from your device is one of the most dangerous rays you expose your eyes to on a regular basis. These lenses can simply eliminate them. If you go to an optometrist and ask them about this, they will show you demonstration how blue rays pass through normal glasses and anti-blue ray ones. The difference is really huge. People also call those as reading glasses.

  • Eye Exercises

You definitely are aware of workout benefits. Workout is the key to a healthy life, right? So why don’t you workout your eyes! It takes hardly 5 minutes. I haven’t done an article on that till now, but HERE’s the link to find the eye exercises I recommend you to do. You’ll feel a big change in life after doing this. Thank me later…lol.

  • Sufficient Sleep

Well that is very necessary, not just for your eyes, but for every organ of your body. Without a sufficient sleep, you’re living a miserable life. However, that statement is applicable only to those who don’t have enough sleep because they instead waste their time on their mobile phones during night. You don’t need me to tell you how badly it affects you…!

  • Objective Use

The difference between a human and a monkey is, that a monkey does what it does without any reason, but a human does what it does for a good reason. Ain’t that what gives us the edge over other organisms of the nature, that we can think it out? Yes.

So next time you use your device, know what you’re using it for, complete the task and move on. Don’t stick to it endlessly. You must not be bound to the addiction towards your device.

I hope this article was of help and wish that you’ll use these tricks to your benefit. Good Day!

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